LiFiMax® Controler
The Controller is the core of your LiFiMax® system.
It is integrated in your LiFiMax®Access Point which interfaces with your LiFi endpoints.
This allows for securing and managing them remotely, while providing you, in your role of network administrator, additional connectivity features and management tools.
On top of the physical security provided by using invisible light, you can deploy 802.1x solutions from your organization in your LiFi network.
You can easily access the LiFiMax® controller using a browser from any device connected to the LAN.
Monitor the status of your LiFi network with its number of Access Points and clients, access the full log of events, upgrade your SW.
The Controller requires a specific signature mechanism for being upgraded that prevents any unauthorized update.
The core of your LiFi system
Embedded in each Access point, the LiFiMax® controller gives you full visibility and control over your LiFi network. You can check the status of each LiFi client, and implement through your LiFi system the same VLAN/802.1x policy existing in your organization.
LiFiMAX® Controller
Product Specifications
System and AP information
- SW release version of the Controller
- Serial number of the Access Point
- Number of Access Points in the LiFi sub-network and their status
- Number of end points in your LiFi sub-network and their status
- Journal (date and time) of the following events since the first power on of the AP
- List of end points connected with their status and MAC addresses
- History of name changes
Controller SW update
- Update mechanism required a specific signature based on a special ID of your Access Point, preventing unauthorized SW update
- We deliver to you a signed version that can only run on your AP
Managing the Access Points
- List all Access Points within your LiFi sub-network
- Status of these Access Points
- Rename and reboot of the Access Points
- Define the Master AP for LiFi signal synchronisation (patented)
Managing the end points
- List all the connected end points, with their MAC address, their FW version and status
- Identify the Access Points to which the end points are connected
- Rename and reboot the end points
VLAN/802.1x management
- Deploy your VLAN architecture and your 802.1x policy throughout your LiFi sub-network